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HomeHow to Fix ads.txt Issues in AdSense on WordPress (with and without Plugin)

How to Fix ads.txt Issues in AdSense on WordPress (with and without Plugin)


If you’re a website owner using Google AdSense to monetize your WordPress site, you may encounter ads.txt issues that could impact your ad revenue. Ads.txt is an essential file that allows publishers to declare authorized sellers of their ad inventory, ensuring a secure and transparent ad ecosystem. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of fixing ads.txt issues in AdSense, both with and without using a WordPress plugin.

1. Using a WordPress Plugin:

Step 1: Install and Activate the “Ads.txt Manager” Plugin

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to “Plugins” > “Add New.”
  • Search for “Ads.txt Manager.”
  • Install and activate the plugin.
Installing Ads.txt Plugin from WordPress Directory on Khashif Talks

Step 2: Access the Ads.txt Manager Settings

  • After activation, find “Ads.txt” in the left-hand menu.
  • Click on “Settings.”

Step 3: Add Your AdSense Publisher ID to the Plugin

  • Access your AdSense account to find your Publisher ID (pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
  • Go back to the Ads.txt Manager in WordPress.
  • Enter your Publisher ID in the designated field.
  • Save changes.
Adding AdSense Publisher ID to the Plugin

Here are Top 7 Alternatives to AdSense

2. Manual Implementation without a Plugin:

Step 1: Access Your WordPress Theme Files

  • Access your WordPress hosting via cPanel, FTP, or File Manager.
  • Locate the “public_html” or “wp-content” directory.
  • Go to your theme’s folder (e.g., “themes/your-theme”).

Step 2: Edit the Ads.txt File

  • Inside your theme’s folder, create a new text file named “ads.txt.”
  • Open the “ads.txt” file with a text editor (e.g., Notepad).

Step 3: Add AdSense Declaration to the File

  • In the “ads.txt” file, type: “, pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0.”
  • Replace “pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” with your AdSense Publisher ID.
  • Save the changes to the file.

Step 4: Upload the File to Your Theme’s Directory

  • Return to your WordPress hosting control panel.
  • Navigate to your theme’s folder.
  • Upload the “ads.txt” file to this directory.

3. Verification:

To ensure that you have correctly fixed the ads.txt issues:

  • Access your AdSense account and go to “Settings” > “Account” > “Account Information.”
  • Scroll down to the “AdSense Linking” section.
  • Click on “View” to see your ads.txt file. Verify that it contains your AdSense Publisher ID.


In Short, Resolving ads.txt issues in AdSense on your WordPress website is crucial to maintain a healthy and profitable ad environment. By following the steps mentioned above, you can fix ads.txt issues using a WordPress plugin or manually implement the necessary changes in your theme files. Properly configuring your ads.txt file will ensure seamless ad serving, boosting your chances of maximizing your ad revenue and providing a secure ad experience to your visitors.



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