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Economic Policymakers Seek Reduction in Electricity Generation Cost by K-Electric

Introduction: Economic policymakers have expressed serious concerns over the high cost of electricity generation by K-Electric (KE) and are seeking measures to reduce production costs. Discussions held at a recent meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) focused on the need for a detailed plan to slash the cost of electricity generation and alleviate the fiscal burden. Gas Allocation Policy …

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Budget Constraints Hinder Operations of Special Investment Facilitation Council in Pakistan

Introduction: The Ministry of Finance’s delay in allocating the budget of Rs400 million to the newly established Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) in Pakistan has raised concerns about the council’s ability to fulfill its mandate. Despite being a civil-military led body aimed at removing obstacles in the way of foreign investment, the lack of resources has hindered the SIFC’s operational …

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Here's Why Microfinance Banks offer Higher Rates of Return than Commercial Banks

Introduction: Microfinance banks and commercial banks both play important roles in the financial sector, but one noticeable difference is the interest rates they offer on saving accounts. Microfinance banks tend to provide higher rates of return compared to commercial banks, and this article aims to shed light on the reasons behind this disparity. 1. Mission and Target Audience: Microfinance banks …

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